Thursday, December 2, 2010

Abstinence only sex education. Save me from idiot humans.

I see absolutely nothing has changed since I was a very young teen.

I feel ashamed that these wacknuts are members of the same species as me. 

Who do they think they are fooling? Trying to convince people that sex is bad is every bit as truthful as trying to convince them that breathing or eating is bad. It's a normal part of being human. Why would you even want kids to learn that sex is wrong, and should be treated as a necessary evil, to make babies when you're old enough? Because it's easier and less complex than dealing with issues like self respect, knowing when you're ready, how to say no etc? Look, it's so fucking simple you can narrow it down to TWO BULLET POINTS.

1: Do it responsibly. Always use a condom no matter what.

2. Have sex only with someone you trust and respect. Not someone you have known for two hours and who may try and harm you, refuse to use a condom, etc.

See? That was easy and simple, wasn't it? 

But it's apparently too complex for the rednecks. Maybe they can only process one point at a time because their other brain cell fell in the toilet by mistake.

I hate conservatives.